For the past few days I have been dealing with negative feelings. My stomach has been in a knot and I feel sick in my stomach. I am not depressed but am just thinking or processing negative feelings. If I allow these negative feelings to linger without managing them; depression will set in.

I’m asking myself, “Why are you allowing these feelings not (my feelings) to monopolize your body and make you feel sick?” See, I realized some years ago that it is possible to process negative thoughts and feelings without feeling negative.
The problem is it’s such an easy pattern to fall back into. Before you know it you’re surviving underneath an array of thoughts that have seemingly usurped your life and ability to function in the most productive ways.
So, what do we do? What is the first steps to changing Negative Emotions?
Choosing; the first step is to make a conscious choice to no longer feel upset. Say, “I choose in this moment to no longer feel hurt, angry, upset, etc.” In this moment I choose peace, in this moment I choose happiness, in this moment I choose to live life to its fullest and be happy.
Release; now it’s time to send those negative feelings away from you and out of your body.
Ask: ask yourself, what am I feeling? The answer might be, “I feel bad, sad or depressed.”
Separate: Say “I am feeling…” and leave it at that. Don’t attach any feeling word to the end of the sentence.
Exhale; take in a deep breath where that descriptive word would have been and release the breath.
In that exhale you are sending that negative feeling out of your body and away from you. You have chosen to set it free. It no longer can cause you any ill feelings. Anytime you feel negative emotions in the pit of your stomach; repeat this process as often as necessary and always replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
The same thing in the mind; when negative thought are swarming around in your mind, diffuse them in this way. If there is a legitimate problem, then decide what action(s) you can take to resolve it. Then do them as immediately as you can. If you are not in the position to solve or resolve them; seek assistance from someone like myself who can. Then let it go.
In problem solving there is no need to handle the situation with an attitude of panic and worry thus allowing anxiety to build up in you. Stay calm and all will work out fine. Or, will work out the way it is supposed to.
Freedom Gale is a Personal Development Coach, providing Coaching Services that fall under her "Five Core Pathways to Personal Freedom,"
1. Spiritual 2. Emotional 3. Religious 4. Financial and 5. Physical Freedom.
If you find yourself challenged in one or more of these areas, give me a call and get a free consultation. See how you can move from where you are to where you want to be in your Life. Peace and Blessings! Freedom~

© 2011, 2017 Vivian Gale, Photo By: Print Shop
*Learn more in my blogs/articles and books! Feel free to contact me if you need additional guidance on your journey to the freedom and transformation applied spirituality brings.
Vivian Gale., AS, BA, Counselor
Life Coach/Author
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