
Freedom Gale, Life Coach, and Author
AS., BA., Counseling and Theology
Certified Life Coach
Ordained Minister
Certified Raw Food Instructor/Educator
Founder and CEO of The Personal Freedom Center 2017
Graphic and Web Designer
Book Publisher and Editor
I Can Officiate
Funeral Services
and more~

The Personal Freedom Center integrates online Personal Life Coaching and Emotional Wellness Courses with in person and online Coaching and Classes. Our focus is on Relationships, Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, and Physical and Financial Freedom which are the "Five Core Pathways to Personal Freedom" created by Author and Life Coach Freedom Gale!
Prior to becoming a Life Coach in 2016. Prior I worked as an Adult and Adolescent Counselor specializing in Drug and Alcohol Addiction and taught Parenting Classes for Individuals in the Criminal Justice System for a decade and a half.
After dealing with health issues in 2006 I decided to start writing and focusing what I can do from home, which is what I always wanted to do be an entrepreneur. I realized I had a lot to offer!
I enjoy working on Graphic Designer in my spare time, reading, playing my guitar and spending time outdoors and with my family when possible.
However, my heart is in coaching and helping individuals improve their Spiritual and Personal Life. I am business minded to the core and people focused but my first devotion is to maintain peace in my life and Spirit at all times and in all situations and teaching others how they can too.
That being said; I don't work for free, my education wasn't free, so don't disrespect yourself or me as the Scripture says; "A laborer is worthy of his wages." Luke 10:7~
Be About it! is my favorite inner affirmation. I'm not just a talker but a doer.
Make life happen for you the way you dream when you partner with me.
