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Redemption Seminar Regristration Page

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Seminar and End-Times 4.5 Redemption Manuel
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The Seminar, End-Times 4.5 Redemption Manuel 4.5 and Love and Law
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The Seminar, End-Times 4.5 Redemption Manuel  and

one Copy of Love and Law,

Plus a *CD with

All the forms (editable) You'll need for filing your UCC1 .

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What is the Freedom and Truth Redemption Manual?

"The historical concept is: that the American people are still the sovereign power. The Bible teaches that the Israelites (Ish= man, ra = ruling, el= God, = man ruling with God) are the "Kings and Priests of Israel." When the Country was supposedly freed at the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, the concept was established that "A man is a king in his own Castle." Last but not least, "The people have succeeded to the rights of the King, the former sovereign of this State. They are not, therefore, bound by general words in a statute restrictive of prerogative, without being expressly named." Pray-tell, do 'kings' pay taxes? The people, due to the bankruptcy and commercial law in place that allows the people, as the sovereign power, in their Secured Party / Creditor capacity, to discharge ALL the fines, fees, taxes, judgments, and debts, take control of all the property ... BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TODAY TO PAY THE DEBT(S) (AS THERE IS NO LAWFUL MONEY), YOUR STATUS WAS CHANGED TO DEBTOR/SLAVE ON THE PLANTATION FOR THE FINANCIAL BENEFIT OF CORPORATE GOVERNMENT." *Excerpt from the Redemption manual!


The End-Times Redemption Manuel Includes:

  •  How to Become a Secured Party Creditor

  • Get all the Forms needed to File the UCC1 

  • Learn how to Declare Your Nationality and

  •  Sample Declarations to help you form your own.

  • Addresses the STRAW-MAN/DEBTOR

See more information about the Redemption Manuel on the product page.

link coming soon!


You'll understand the Matrix in a whole new light!


The Freedom and Truth Redemption Manuel also includes all the notes from the Endtimes Bible Study; The History of the Freedom and Truth Redemption Manuel will be available for Download and available for sale in Paperback very soon.  

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