Declare Your Moorish Nationality
In Ten Easy Steps
In-HOW TO DECLARE YOUR NATIONALITY, Get Out of the System! Become Sovereign, Come out of Babylon. People of Color find Freedom-
Gaining freedom is a process just like everything else and it will take desire, focus, and action. It's not just going to happen you have to make it happen. This is the first step in understanding and utilizing the UCC1 for "Black People" in the United States Inc.
I found you can declare your nationality in several different ways. The Moors have their remedy or process; American Nationals have their remedy or process and in those processes, your nationality can again, alter the format or wording in the remedy. The remedy is Your Affidavit or Writ.
Some people don't Declare their nationality they do the Perfected Title Process first and some others go through businesses or coaches that do the paperwork for them so they really don't know how the process worked and don't receive copies of their paperwork.
However, if you're a person of color in America, you have no legal citizenship. "All natives are not citizens of the United States; the descendants of the aborigines and those of African origin are not entitled to the rights of citizens. Anterior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States each state had the right to make citizens of such persons as it pleased. That Constitution does not authorize any but white persons to become citizens of the United States, and it must, therefore, be presumed that no one is a citizen who is not white." https://www.lectlaw.com/def/c039.htm
Also, see; https://tinyurl.com/y7oaajzj [The African] ... was regarded and owned in every State in the Union as property merely, and as such was not and could not be a party or an actor, much less a peer in any compact or form of government established by the States or the United States .... [S]o far as rights and immunities appertaining to citizens have been defined and secured by the Constitution and laws of the United States, the African race is not and never was recognized either by the language or purposes of the former Justice Daniel, Concurring OpinionDred Scott v. Sandford
"Black People", (Free Moors [Mu’urs]) “were not included and were not intended to be included” as “citizens” (subjects) of the Union States even though they are indigenous people to/in America being here before the Caucasoids.
There is *No Application to declare your nationality, however, there is paperwork you need to create. You write an Affidavit. The Affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court and other public venues. (Get Forms to get started)
On the affidavit, you write or modify the form as it is a template the reasons you want to Declare your Nationality. You can also leave the form the way it is inserting the appropriate information. Read them carefully. State that “All information is correct according to my (your) knowledge.” It should be expressive of you.
Get Your affidavit notarized or signed by two Moors and mail them to the Moorish American Consulate in your region. See Moorish American Consulate. 2. Take the affidavit to the Clerk of the Superior Court and tell them that you want to “File a Writ on Public Record.” Here, I went to the King County Superior Court. I did this the first time but the MAC said it is not necessary. You do not need permission from the US gov.
The county clerk will give you a “Cover Sheet.” The court will keep your original copy and give you a copy.
Put the name of your Governor in the space for the defendant.
Pay the fee. I paid $20. It may be a bit higher in some county courts. Don’t let them try to tell you they cannot do it or send you somewhere else. Be kind but firm. You don’t want to file a name change, that’s not the proper procedure and (that’s $240). Get 3 or more Certified Copies from the Clerk.
You may receive a paper with a court date; I did. The clerk said it is standard procedure but the case will fall off once entered into the computer since I was only filing a writ. No hearing or court date necessary. You may want to check and be sure on the actual date that you’re in fact are not scheduled to appear.
If they refuse to file your affidavit for any reason use quote [Title 28, 1746] which is a Judicial and Judiciary procedure called [Mandatory Filing] all clerks are obligated to file any document submitted to them.
You’re Don! Make 10 Copies of the final Documents Stamped by the Clerk to send to the following agencies: Send by Registered Mail. Registered mail is under Common Law and we want to operate under Common Law only, now and going forward.
Homeland Security
Provost-U.S. Marshall or Military Affairs of your State
Supreme Court
United Nations
The Justice Department
GSNAMA- Moorish Affairs
White House
Sheriff, County
Take a Certified Copy to the DOL to Update Your License or ID
All the Best
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In-Service to Our Vast Empire
CLASSES STARTING- May 8th 2023 11AM PST. contact me for more information@ OR TO ENROLL.
These classes will walk you through the process of Declaring your nationality, and Claiming your TDA or STRAWMAN ACCOUNT.
Freedom Imani Asha El, © 2018